Dr. med. Thomas Teichmüller

In U.K. I am at the GMC registered as orthopaedic and trauma specialist (No 7467324).
Dear patients,
Thank you for visiting our website and your interest in my services. I am a doctor by conviction and orthopedic surgeon with a passion. With 30 years professional experience, I have learned to view my own actions critically. You do not have to worry that my only goal is to carry out operations at all cost. Instead, I will support you and take every feasible step to avoid surgery. Ultimately, it takes two to make a sensible decision: The physician who recommends a surgical procedure and the patient willing to undergo this.
With chronic musculoskeletal disorders conservative therapy is still the treatment of choice. Only in very advanced stages where pain and restricted movement reduce the quality of life, surgery may be inevitable.
With acute injuries however, the doctor and patient are encouraged to quickly make a decision for or against surgery because the time window is limited to just a few days. An exception is the Rotator cuff tear of the shoulder; here, depending on the size of the rupture, a decision may be delayed by 4-12 weeks.
In the case of joint degeneration, injection treatment with hyaluronic acid is a well-tolerated and is my preferred therapy.
By opening this „virtual practice“ it is my desire to become closer to my patients and support them throughout their recovery. Below I will present my Operating range.
For fast, efficient and sustainable healing of sports injuries as well as wear and tear I generally use routine arthroscopic surgical procedures. The experience gained from over 5,000 of these minimally invasive procedures flow over into each operation; this gives me sovereignty and ensures the right decision is made in the operation room.
If the wear is, however, too far advanced, the artificial joint replacement (endoprosthesis) is often the only reasonable alternative to restore a pain-free joint mobility. With 200 implanted endoprostheses in both shoulder and knee joints, I have acquired the necessary experience.
Gladly I am at your disposal if surgery has become unavoidable and you are looking for a surgeon you can trust. I operate preferably in the prestigious Rotes-Kreuz-Klinik in Frankfurt/Main.
I would be happy to be part of your speedy recovery.
Your Thomas Teichmueller M.D.
Dr. med. Thomas Teichmüller: Your specialist for orthopedics and sports medicine
High school graduation in Kronberg / Ts.
Training as a paramedic
1974 – 1976
Studied human medicine at the Free University of Berlin
Third state examination and degree from the Johann Wolfgang von Gothe University Frankfurt / Main
1981 – 1986
Further education as a doctor of anesthesiology at the University Hospital Frankfurt
Doctorate with Professor Dudziak / Frankfurt am Main
1986 -1988
Further training at the Surgical and Trauma Surgery Clinic of the Wetzlar Hospital with Professor Brobmann and Professor Scheuba
1989 -1993
Further education as a doctor for orthopedics at the Orthopedic Clinic Wiesbaden with Prof. Dr. med. Eichler
Specialist in Orthopaedics
Additional name for sports medicine
Since 1994
Document b. z. w. Honorary doctor at the Red Cross Clinics in Frankfurt / Main
1995 to 2013
Medical Director of the ORTHOmedic Clinic in Offenbach / Main
Since 2008
Member of the German Association for Shoulder and Elbow Surgery (DVSE)
Member of the board at the affiliate company Rotes-Kreuz-Klinik (Frankfurt)
Since 2013-2017
„Visiting doctor“ in Egypt, Spain and Austria
Registered as Orthopedic and Trauma Surgeon in UK
admitted as Honorary Doctor at the Red Cross Hospital Frankfurt and cooperating orthopedist in the specialist Center Frankfurt, Kaiserstr. 10, 60311 Frankfurt